Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Evra on hairdryer treatment
Friday, 22 May 2009
Times Interview with Fergie
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
United 2-1 Barca in 1991

Mike Phelan remembers 1991 UEFA Cup Final:
"Barcelona were the favourites that night and quite rightly. Michael Laudrup was one of Barca's big stars of the time. They were talking him up and he was their big match winner. I was given the job of marking him. I just didn't want to let anyone down and thankfully I was happy with my performance. But the game went so quickly I can hardly remember it. My biggest memory was the drugs test afterwards. I was chosen to give a sjavascript:void(0)ample for testing but I was so dehydrated I couldn't do it. I was sat in this little side room on my own and I could hear the lads celebrating. I just wanted to be with them. I was sat drinking a pint of beer with the showers on full in a bid to get me to go to the toilet! Eventually the manager got so fed up waiting and irate he ordered the team bus to go back to the hotel. I was left at the stadium with all the lights going out before I eventually managed to give a sample and I could get to the hotel to enjoy the night."
Extract from "If the Reds Should Play... in Rome or Mandalay."
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Quote of the day
Monday, 18 May 2009
Seasonal Wishes
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed sending it.
Dear kopite friends,
It’s that time of year again, when rivalries are put aside, and mutual hand shakes are exchanged after a long season of tough sporting competition.
It’s also the time of year when the trophies are handed out, but we needn’t go into that as it would be disingenuous of me to bring up such a sensitive subject so soon after our celebrations, and so soon after your heartbreak.
So not mentioning trophies, and the title aside, I really wanted to congratulate Liverpool FC on a really good effort this year.
In FACT, I can honestly say it was your best effort in 20 years of trying. You must be proud of having almost pushed us to the last day of the season.
In particularly, I really appreciated all the giddy enthusiasm you all showed when beating us at Old Trafford. Thank you all for your messages, a bit of banter is what it's all about after all.
So with that in mind, I hope you all have a great summer, trophy-less again, but nonetheless, one with renewed "hope in your hearts" as your famous song goes, you know the song, something about not walking alone, you know the one Celtic made famous.
Anyway I digress, simply to say, see all you plucky scousers again next season, and who knows, maybe it will be 21st time lucky.
In the meantime, good luck in your 2nd-3rd place battle with Abramovich FC next weekend.
I wanted to send you this goodwill message now, as events surrounding our title celebrations and going to Rome for the European Cup final will undoubtedly severely limit my free time and hence any opportunity to write to you all again this season.
And we certainly wouldn't want to disappear into the summer without a few words of encouragement during what can only be a very difficult time, having just been knocked of your perch and all.